I'll probably be releasing 6.59d in a day or two. There are a couple bugs/exploits that started appearing recently. While I know that some players don't like to keep downloading new maps, I think is best to fix this now instead of holding it off for 6.60 so it isn't too rushed.
Some may think that it is good. Some may think that this is bad. Why good? DUH! NO MORE BUGS! Why bad? Because we kept waiting for 6.60 and then we will just see another map that is a remade map.
Recently I found this quite interesting that some of the gamers still play 6.59b though in many cases that version has a lot of bugs and still it is used up to today. I found it in GArena and other games. But when there are PUB games, they always stick with the recent map or the stable map.
This version can be a stable version(I don't know?) because of there will be no(hoping too!) bugs and glitches that can cause gaming bad. I think making this versions concerns many a lot. Still we are the ones who will decide what map to play to right?
So let us wait! Let us hope that this will go to 6.59f!