Friday, January 30, 2009

Base Abilities

What are Base Abilities?

Many players of DotA rarely knows this. This are the abilities which the DotA heros skills are based upon. This abilities are the original ones that came from Warcraft Frozen Throne Campaign. If you played campaign in Warcraft TFT you can see that it is the base ability of such things in DotA. Some, if you go to Dota-Allstars WIKI, you can't believe that that is its own base ability. I will give you examples.

Razor's Chain Lightning is adopted from Wc3TFT Chain Lightning
Mana Void is based upon Storm Bolt
Chain Frost is based upon a sequential Frost Nova
Quill Spray is based upon Fab of Knive
Presence of the Dark Lord is based upon(You can't believe it) in Devotion Aura
and many more...

So far the heroes that do not have spells that has a base ability are:

Coco the Admiral Proudmoore
Clockwerk Rattletrap
and Witch Doctor

I think that many should know this for the main purpose of knowing where'd it came from. Not by just not going to the back of it.

1 comment:

  1. its "Fan" of knives, not "Fab"

    LOL kidding, i know its an grammar error
