Saturday, May 23, 2009

Leak Maps

I'm back!

Probably I'm on vacation since it is vacation time here in the phil so I'm back!

Let's talk about leak maps.

This leak maps are somewhat fault by some beta testers. They just want to make the other players to see the bugs to help them. Especially that there are many changes in the 6.60 map.

The leaking of maps that are waited by the people are very often now. It's just like a spoiler for the next map. That's why at the realease of the map where there is Admiral, his name is captain Obvious.

This leak maps can be helpful too. It makes the other league players or tournament players to practice or to see what will happen at the next map. Also, to take advantage for the games they will play at that map.

So I'm back!

Thanks guys for going at this blog!

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