Friday, January 30, 2009

Base Abilities

What are Base Abilities?

Many players of DotA rarely knows this. This are the abilities which the DotA heros skills are based upon. This abilities are the original ones that came from Warcraft Frozen Throne Campaign. If you played campaign in Warcraft TFT you can see that it is the base ability of such things in DotA. Some, if you go to Dota-Allstars WIKI, you can't believe that that is its own base ability. I will give you examples.

Razor's Chain Lightning is adopted from Wc3TFT Chain Lightning
Mana Void is based upon Storm Bolt
Chain Frost is based upon a sequential Frost Nova
Quill Spray is based upon Fab of Knive
Presence of the Dark Lord is based upon(You can't believe it) in Devotion Aura
and many more...

So far the heroes that do not have spells that has a base ability are:

Coco the Admiral Proudmoore
Clockwerk Rattletrap
and Witch Doctor

I think that many should know this for the main purpose of knowing where'd it came from. Not by just not going to the back of it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spectre and Enigma Changes and I saw a Bug

First, let's go to Spectre change.

* Spectral Dagger no longer gives vision

Yes I know this is a pain to many Spectre users that uses dagger as a hunting tool.

So this is a pic of it.

I casted Dagger and did not saw a thing. OMG.

It really makes hard to scout many of the terrains and killing that pesky crow!

2nd: Enigma's Conversion skill

* Reworked Enigma's Conversion
Demonic Conversion:
Splits any non-hero unit into three Eidolons, killing the targeted unit.
Eidolon's can duplicate themselves once whenever they attack 6 times.

Lesser Eidolon/Eidolon/Greater Eidolon/Dire Eidolon (Same as before)

Cooldown: 35
Manacost: 170

Notes: It cannot target Level 5+ Neutral Creeps


I let them attack the neutral creeps and suddenly one multiplied! How about that!

Now this skill is now great for jungling and for pushing too. I remembered my friend picks this in his skill build and it effects really great. Great help for denying the creeps w/o exp for the enemy.

Roshan Bug

Sorry but I can't post a pic yet. It occurred when I am playing in single mode and testing the new map. I was Darkchrow and I went to Rosh just for an easy money!$$. Rosh came to me and then I casted Midnight ulse and Malefice to it. He then goes to my place and went straight pass me and went to the ramp going to the scourge Ancient camp site. He sat there for about 5 seconds then goes back to his throne. I think it's a bug. So if you want t check it out try it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Tauren Chieftain!!!!

Icefrog said that there will be a Hidden Side quest for every .x9 versions of DotA map(I think his favorite number is 9??) and now, due to the release of 6.59, there will be a hidden side quest for the said version. I that quest is for Tauren Chieftain.

I think this is the best made character in the history of Warcraft and this is my favorite one too.

Many players will enjoy this quest.

I have an idea that there will be frogs to search again. The quest battle, I think, will be done in the corner left where the -rd is made.

This will be the model:

IceFrog News

And this will be the Icon:

6.59 Realesed!

You can get it here


* Some performance improvements
* You can no longer attack items you do not own if they are in the fountain area
* Fixed some rare memory corruption bugs that could cause random abilities/items to malfunction or result in a fatal error
* Added a new subtle cooldown effect to make it a little clearer when spells are in cooldown and when they finish. This is mainly for long cooldown spells where it is sometimes difficult to tell. More work will be done in this area soon, but it needs a bit more time to make sure that anything extra is not visually intrusive. (PGRu-Unexpect3D)

* Reworked Enigma's Conversion (see details below)
* Fixed a bug with Towers AI not defending heroes properly
* Reduced Ironwood Branch cost from 57 to 53 gold
* Increased Blademail duration from 4 to 5 seconds
* Improved Chaos Knight's cast point
* Added a new experimental mode -er (-ExperimentalRunes, see details below)
* Improved Surge duration from 2/3.5/5/6.5 to 3/4.5/6/7.5 seconds
* Decreased Wrath of Nature manacost from 200/380/610 to 150/175/200
* Improved Antimage's Strength by 2 points
* Increased model size of hexed units a bit
* Increased Curse of the Silent AOE and reduced cooldown slightly
* Decreased Powershot cooldown from 12 to 9 seconds
* Decreased Lightning Storm cooldown from 7 to 6 seconds
* Fixed Acid Spray from affecting Tombstone Zombies
* Spectral Dagger no longer gives vision
* Rebalanced Necrolyte's Heartstopper from 250/500/750/1000 AOE with 1% drain to 700/800/900/1000 AOE with 0.5/0.75/1/1.25% drain
* Increased Fury Swipes buff duration from 3 to 5 seconds
* Fixed an issue with unit selection when respawning with Aegis while controlling other units
* When a player leaves, the state of his inventory is now recorded in the replay for easier parsing (Same 8_# actions)
* Improved Eidolons magic resistance a bit
* Fixed some minor technical issues with Mask of Madness

* Fixed scoreboard player names when a player switches with a leaver
* Switch no longer works when only 1 person agrees in a 1v1 situation
* Fixed Zombies continuing to spawn when the game is over
* Fixed Eidolon Acquire range and reduced collision size a bit
* Fixed -switch with frozen leaver heroes
* Abaddon now uses the Death Knight model instead of the Evil Arthas one (practically the same, but commonly requested)
* You now have vision over the area you cast Blackhole in (260562)
* Fixed Aegis dropping when using -switch
* Ball Lightning now gives a proper error message when casting without the required mana
* Fixed allied hero visibility when using -switch in -ah mode
* When players swap heroes, the new player/heroid data for replay parsers are updated
* Changed the model on Eidolons and adjusted the scales a bit
* Fixed some issues with Blackhole's silence mechanism when applied to magic immune units
* Fixed some bugs when using -switch with Meepo

Demonic Conversion:
Splits any non-hero unit into three Eidolons, killing the targeted unit.
Eidolon's can duplicate themselves once whenever they attack 6 times.

Lesser Eidolon/Eidolon/Greater Eidolon/Dire Eidolon (Same as before)

Cooldown: 35
Manacost: 170

Notes: It cannot target Level 5+ Neutral Creeps

Experimental Runes
This temporary mode changes the rune system to a more experimental one. I will be changing how -er works from version to version to try out different ideas. I don't plan on any one version of the new runes to replace the current system directly, so do not panic Well Instead, it will be used as something to create discussion, spark ideas, find flaws and playtest different concepts over time.

How -er works for this version: Runes spawn simultaneously on both sides at 3 minute intervals (instead of 2). Again I have no plans to make this permanant.

Notes: I wanted to release this sooner rather than later because of some important code fixes. I am planning on finishing the traditional .x9 quest for v6.59b (along with some more balance tweaks) and then followed by TC in 6.60 if everythings work out right.

-- IceFrog

Update: I'm getting lots of emails asking me what .x9 and TC are. Every 9 version there is a hidden side quest in the map. TC is the Tauren Chieftain hero model.

Hidden Side Quest?

Seems like fun!!!!!

But why so fast?? Too early, that's alright there will still be a 6.59b. Another one, I think there will be a bug about the model of Abaddon. The changes are just great but can still be affects the gameplay of every single player.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Basher Bug(6.58)


I experienced this bug with my friend. Okay, here's the scene.

We are playing a 2v1 game. My opponent is Darkterror. Then he goes to roshan and then I casted Ice Path then I saw him hitting roshan and always doing bash. He then sees me and time walk to me and then bash, bash , bash. The neverending bash!!!

For those who didn't know this bug. You just buy Cranium then BASH BASH BASH but just only to permabasher heroes.

If you were there!

This is only applicable to 6.58 only!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Icefrog's Reply for the Reports we've said

Thanks to everyone that sent me bug reports for 6.58. I just released 6.58b after many countless hours of bug hunting. Let me know if I missed anything and what you want to see in 6.59. I will begin work on it after I wake up tomorrow morning, though I might sleep a little extra to make up for the last few nights :)
He just want to say us that if there are any bugs again in the latest version we should tell him.

I just can't wait about 6.59! Bwahaha!

Go guys!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

6.58b available!

You can download 6.58b map here!

It only had fixed bugs and fixes.


* Fixed a rare bug introduced last version with Nevermore's ultimate
* Fixed a bug with Cranium Basher
* Fixed a suicide bug with Heartstopper
* Fixed a bug with Overload
* Various tooltip fixes
* Fixed some rare glitches that could cause some abilities to malfunction
* Fixed various -switch related bugs
* Switch now works if all but one player votes for it, instead of requiring 100%
* Fixed truesight on The Frozen Throne
* Decreased Undying's model size a bit
* Fixed conflicts between Viper Strike and Venomous Gale
* Fixed Soul Rip targetting problems on Tombstone
* Fixed -mo/-ro in -gameinfo
* Fixed a bug when picking up invisibility rune while under the Phase effect from Phase Boots
* Fixed -mr failing to be recognized as a gamemode
* Fixed Rapier damage values when being carried by a non-owning player

Saturday, January 17, 2009

6.58 DotA Recent Changes

Ah..... the first reaction.

You will now here my reactions and what I've hear about the recent dota map that is released.




Old Blade Mail
Blades of Attack (500)
Chainmail (550)
Recipe (500)
Total: 1550

+15 Damage
+5 Armor
Passive: 20% melee attack damage (calculated before reductions) returned as magical damage

New Blade Mail
Broadsword (1200)
Chainmail (550)
Robe of the Magi (450)
Total: 2200

+22 Damage
+5 Armor
+10 Intelligence
Active: 100% all damage (calculated after reductions) returned as magical damage
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 15
Manacost 25
Has visual effect to show when it is active

Extra Note: Since people regularly misunderstand how this works, the damage returned is reduced twice, first when you get the damage and then again when you deal it back. For example, a 300 damage nuke gets reduced by 25% because of hero resistance, then it gets dealt back as magical damage, being reduced by another 25% (or whatever magical resistance the enemy has).

I think it is a not so that great change. Heroes that need protection to DPS'ers are now vulnerable by ridding the passive skill of this item. The 100% damage that you will get after the damage inflicted is further being reduced so I think it should be furthermore balanced. Let's do the calculation:

Let's say you received 100 physical damage and has 25% resistance.

100 * .25 = 25

100 - 25 = 75

Then the damage that will get back to the enemy is 75 but it will further more reduced to the enemy heroes magic reduction.

Let's have the normal magic reduction.

75 * .25 = 18.75

75 - 18.75 = 56.25

56.26 will be the damage dealt to the enemy.

Well, my friend says its alright but I say it's great change.


Cranium Basher

Old Basher:
Mithril Hammer (1610)
Gauntlets of Strength (150)
Recipe (1460)
Total: 3220

+30 Damage
+3 Strength
15% Bash (10% ranged) for 1.1 seconds
Cooldown: 0
Stacks Diminishingly

New Basher:
Javelin (1500)
Gauntlets of Strength (150)
Recipe (1450)
Total: 3100

+30 Damage
+3 Strength
25% Bash (10% ranged) for 1.1 seconds
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Does not stack with itself or other bash passives

Now it's balanced! Permabashers are now angry because of this change. The old basher seems to be good but now that it is balanced it is quite a yes or a no factor. Then there's the cooldown. So for every bash the item will have a cooldown that can activate bash. I think many will ignore this item again and would rely to their AS for their bash.


Atropos's Fiend's Grip

Old Fiend's Grip
100/175/250 Manacost
40/60/80 Mana and HP cost per second
Lasts 5 seconds

120 Cooldown
100/155/215 DPS

New Fiend's Grip
200/300/400 Manacost
No HP or MP cost per second
Lasts 5 seconds

120 Cooldown
100/155/215 DPS

Transfers 5% of enemies max MP per second to you

It's more better this way. Why? The total mana is now covered up in your manacost. See the old one. If you compute it, you will cost a lot of mana than the new one and you will have mana that transfers to you to made up that loss mana. Now, there is no HP cost too. Horray! This means you do not need to sacrifice your self. The damage now is like a nuke that is slowly but rudely killing you.

Venomancer's Poisonus Gale

Old Shadow Strike:
Decay Damage 10/20/40/50
Initial Damage: 50/70/70/100
Movement Modifier: 50%
Decay Power: 3
Interval: 3
Duration 15

Cast Range: 400
Cooldown: 22
Manacost 90/105/120/135

Venomous Gale:
Releases a Venomous Gale which poisons enemy units it comes in contact with. Units that are hit by it get a slow/dps like his previous shadow strike

AoE: 125
Cast Range/Distance: 800
Cooldown: 22
Manacost 90/105/120/135

At last a multiple slow and damage in one shot. Just like the old shadow's strikes damage, it is the damage of it too. Well the shadow strike is just made to be an AoE so no affect to a single unit but if there is many units in the line, you're in for luck and farming.

Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror

Old Terror:
Reduces damage and armor of units in an area around you.

AoE: 700
Cooldown: 15
Duration: 20

Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20%
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5

Wave of Terror:
Releases a wave of terror moving forward that reduces enemy units armor and damage. You have vision over the wave as it moves forward.

Wave Distance: 1400
AoE: 350
Cooldown: 15
Duration: 20

Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20%
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5

Just like Venomancer's Poisonus gale, it's just like a one line armor reduction and damage reduction. For now, it is really good because many units can now be hit by the minus armor of it.

The Remades: will be soo posted.

Welcome to Keybi Reacts!

Hello everybody!

Welcome to my second(made a blog but sucked). I hope you will like it here in this blog. I will try to post often. This blog's topics are classified to dota, experiences and reactions to the dota issues that comes around that corner. Yes that corner. Turn your back you will see.

Get you!

